Good competition results for DWV horses this weekend!

[:nl]A few horses sold by DWV competed this weekend on national competitions. In Sweden Catch Me competed for the first time with two individuals. They received an 6,225! Daytona got 7.0-7.7-7.8 horsescores and the PDD received a total score of 7.94 Our own Dutch Elliot competed with a junior individual and a senior Z individual […]
Sneakpreview Erik

Interview in Voltigierzirkel 1/2017 by Nienke de Wolff

In the German magazine aktueller Voltigierzirkel number 1/2017 is an article published about DeWolff Vaultinghorses. ‘Der Weg zum perfekten Voltigierpferd’. Read her vision about vaultinghorses, how to educate and train them in this magazine!
Wij starten op CVI Portoguaro 2017

Volgende week begint onze eerste internationale wedstrijd dit seizoen. Dit CVI wordt gehouden in Portoguaro, Italië van 12 tot en met 16 mei 2017. Rik Bierling zal starten op de ruin Renoir, gelongeerd door Claudia Petersohn(ITA). Wij zijn heel blij, en Claudia erg dankbaar dat wij op dit paard mogen starten! Rik zal CVIJ* starten, […]