Second place at CVI Ermelo

This weekend we went on competition to CVI Ermelo (NED) with the horses Daytona and Dutch Elliot. Daytona, owned by the family Kögl from Germany, became second with his PDD Julian Kögl and Ronja Kahler, lunged by Nienke de Wolff. They competed in the CVIJ** PDD competition. It was a tuff job for all, such […]
New vaultingprospect for sale!

Today we tried a new vaultingprospect, and he is really cool! He is smart and willing to learn. For more information check his page, or contact me! Carlos D
Catch Me doet het goed in Zweden

Eind 2016 is Catch Me verhuisd naar zijn nieuwe eigenaren in Zweden. Hij is daar aan zijn carriere als junioren voltigepaard begonnen. Door DWV is hij getraind en bemiddeld. Na 4 maanden trainen loopt hij zijn eerste wedstrijden al! Afgelopen weekend heeft hij een nationale wedstrijd gelopen in Zweden, en heeft met zijn voltigeurs de 4e […]
Succes at CVI Portogruaro!

This weekend the first CVI in Europe is held in Italy, in Fossalta di Portogruaro. For the Netherlands we have two competitors: Rik Bierling (CVIJ*) and Annebeth Kubbe(CVIJ**). After the compulsories, Rik had a third place but ended up on the second place by performing a great freestyle(7.333) with an end score of 6.718! Next […]