Binnenkort weer plek voor handels- en trainingspaarden

Binnenkort hebben wij wegens uitbreiding stallen vrij voor handels- & trainingspaarden! Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in het opleiden van paarden voor de voltigesport, daarvoor zoeken wij paarden die nog NIET bekend zijn met voltige. Wel moeten ze beschikken over de volgende eigenschappen: Nuchter Werkwillend Groot hart Gezond Makkelijk kunnen galopperen Doorgaans zoeken wij paarden boven de […]
AVA Vaulting Symposium Las Vegas

This week, Nienke was invited to head over to Las Vegas for the AVA Education symposium for vaulting. Almost the whole USA Vaulting community travelled to Las Vegas to join this big event. More than 15 european coaches flew over, to share their knowlegde with all these enthusiastic and motivated people. Nienke gave lectures about […]
Great clinic with team USA

4-5 januari we held a clinic weekend at our facility, we invited friends, clients and other vaulters from around. They got the possibility to train with Team USA (4th in the world, 2018) and improve their vaultingskills. Besides the vaultingtraining we offered a coach path. We talked about how to organize your club, horsetraining & […]
We’ve got a MOVIE!

We’ve got a MOVIE at our facility. We’re so excited about it, it’s such a cool training barrel. Our vaulters can train 24/7 and have great opportunities to extend their trainings.