Rik selected for KNHS Junior Selection

5 and 6 November Rik Bierling joined the selection weekend for Juniors. Wednesday we got the message he is selected by the NF for the Junior selection for 2017. He’ll get training at our national centre every 3 weeks, to prepare for CVI’s and the goal of this selection is EC Ebreichsdorf 2017! We are […]
Winter Horsetraining – VaultingNews

At 30th of October, VaultingNews publiced an article about my business “Winter Training For Horses With Nienke De Wolff” Nienke de Wolff trains vaulting horses in the Netherlands. She had so much to tell in our last interview that we contacted her again. Here are many more great tips, ideas and opinions how to help your […]
Laudalino is sold to the USA

In May 2016, Laudalino came to our stable as a great dressagehorse, in four months we educated him for vaulting. Now he found a new home in Seattle where he can do (international)vaulting and dressage. We wish the new owners good luck and lots of fun with this amazing horse! In mei kwam Laudalino bij ons […]
Graduation Vaultinginstructor level 3

Op 27 september 2016 mochten Nienke de Wolff, Heleen Brans en Esmee Bierling hun paardensportinstructeur diploma in ontvangst nemen. Nienke is geslaagd voor de ORUN3-Wedstrijdsport en Heleen en Esmee hebben beide de variant basissport behaald! Super trots zijn wij natuurlijk! At the 27th of September, Nienke de Wolff, Heleens Brans and Esmee Bierling received their […]